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COP26: Nicola Sturgeon urged to intervene to stop heavy-handed policing

COP26 Coalition, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, the Climate Coalition Joint Press Release Following numerous incidents of abuse of powers and intimidating tactics by police forces from across the UK gathered…

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COP26: Glasgow Climate Talks open but most vulnerable excluded

COP26 opens today (31/10/21) amid concerns about the legitimacy of the process as many of those most impacted by the climate crisis are excluded due to unequal roll out of…

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Scottish Government to end their support for drilling every last drop of oil

Climate campaigners have welcomed the news that the Scottish Government has ended their support for unlimited oil and gas drilling. In a speech at Strathclyde University this morning, the First…

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Scottish Parliament

Programme for Government reaction

Programme confirms the promises from the SNP -Greens co-operation agreement, but gives disappointingly little further detail on timescales or processes.

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SNP and Greens deal will lead to stronger action for the climate

Climate campaigning organisation Friends of the Earth Scotland has welcomed the draft cooperation deal between the SNP and the Scottish Green Party announced today.

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Scottish Government ‘defers’ to Boris Johnson on Cambo oil field

Scottish Government calls on Boris Johnson to reassess Cambo field but fails to state their opposition the development of new oil & gas.

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IPCC Report shows the urgent need to get off fossil fuels

IPCC report warning shows urgency of need to transition away from fossil fuels – beginning with rejecting Cambo field.

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Boris Johnson ‘not aware’ of Cambo oil plans. He is now!

80,000 strong letter opposing Cambo Oil Field handed in to 10 Downing Street today as Boris Johnson claims to be unaware of the project.

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Scottish Government must break silence on Cambo oil field

Environmental campaigners have demanded the Scottish Government declare their opposition to the controversial new Cambo oil field off Shetland. With just over 100 days until the crucial UN talks begin…

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