Werombi_Bushfire Helitak430 /WikiCommons (CC BY-SA 4.0)

The planet’s laboured breathing

As the planet gasps, fires around the world are a warning of what may become the new normal. They must be a wake up call.

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Person holding a sign at a protest

Can the law save the planet?

A very important legal case in the Netherlands shows the power of the law in protecting the planet.

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Europe’s environmental crises

A hard-hitting official report reveals the depth of Europe’s climate and nature crisis, and suggests much-needed ways forward.

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What People Power achieved in 2019

Highlights from our campaigning to protecting our climate and environment in 2019.

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Europe and the climate

The European Union is trying to regain the leadership it once had on climate change ambition by launching a Green Deal.

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Civil society is kept out by UN security at climate talks in Madrid. Photo: Global Forest Coalition

Corporate-captured climate talks ignores peoples’ demands for climate justice

Key fights at the UN climate conference COP25 in Madrid show Governments fighting for fossil fuel companies rather than a liveable future.

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CAN presents the Fossil of the Day Award to the USA at UN climate conference in Madrid

Fossil of the Day

The awards are given to countries or groups of countries which have been particularly obstructive or disingenuous in the climate negotiations.

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Protestors at the UN climate talks hold a banner reading 'No carbon markets'

We can’t buy our way out of the climate crisis

Carbon markets are being pushed by big corporations at the UN climate talks, but decades of experience tells us they won’t cut emissions.

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No false solutions

To effectively tackle the roots of the climate crisis while achieving social justice and restoring nature, we need to fight for the right – not just any – climate solutions.

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